Materials Science

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More about materials science

The unique electronic, optical, and mechanical properties of 2D materials have recently sparked an extraordinary level of activity in the materials science community. Interest in the mathematics community has recently emerged to develop rigorous foundations, improved models, and computational methods for electronic structure, transport, plasmonics, and mechanics.

Another area of prime interest concerns the physics of soft condensed matter, where mathematical methods for solids and liquids coexist and further develop. In particular, the problem of the organization of soft matter to perform certain functions and sustain properties of interest spans from synthetic compound materials to biological ones.


Douglas Arnold

Douglas Arnold

McKnight Presidential Professor
numerical analysis, differential equations, mechanics, computational relativity

Maria-Carme Calderer

Maria-Carme Calderer

applied mathematics, partial differential equations, dynamical systems, materials sciences, mathematical biology and soft-matter physics

Mitch Luskin

Mitchell Luskin

numerical analysis, scientific computing, applied mathematics, computational physics

Svitlana Mayboroda

Svitlana Mayboroda

McKnight Presidential Professor and Northrop Professor
analysis and partial differential equations

Dan Spirn Headshot

Daniel Spirn

partial differential equations, applied mathematics

Li Wang

Li Wang

Associate Professor 
numerical analysis, scientific computing, applied analysis, kinetic theory, optimal transport, inverse problems, scientific machine learning

Alex Watson headshot

Alex Watson

Assistant Professor
Partial differential equations, mathematical physics, numerical analysis, computational physics, data science